POD Clinical Trials and Results

Clinical Trials

Trial Design

Montefiore, NYC, US (2015)1

Chengdu, China (2021)2

Chengdu, China (2021)3

Patient population

Cardiac surgery patients on cardiac bypass; pilot study

Gastric or intestinal cancer surgery with laparoscopy

Esophageal cancer surgery; laparoscopy & thoracoscopy

Patient age

≥ 55 years

≥ 60 years

≥ 65 years

Number of patients

10 INI, 11 placebo

40 INI, 40 placebo

30 each: INI 1, INI 2, placebo

Average operation time

4.9 hours (6.7 hours anesth.)

2.7 hours

4.3 hours

INI dosage

40 IU before surgery + 40 IU 4x/day, 7 post-op days

20 IU 2x/day, 2 pre-op days + 20 IU before surgery

20 or 30 IU 2x/day, 2 pre-op days + 1 dose before surgery

Dosing: These trials all use syringe + atomizer

Patient upright; medical professional administers

Patient lying down, head tilted back, 5-10 minutes so INI can pool in/near olfactory area; medical professional necessary

Reduction in POD

55%; P=0.36 (small N)


20 IU → 53%*; 30 IU → 95%*

Other results

84% fewer Pt-days delirium / patient; P=0.16 (small N)

Decreased serum IL-6*, TNFα*

Decreased serum Tau* and β-amyloid*